Friday, October 3, 2014

Regarding Trouble

Based on Isaiah 57-58, Psalm 114:7, and Ephesians 5

We see You, LORD, redeeming the time because these days are evl. Your wrath is coming upon the sons of disobedience, and all the earth is beginning to tremble. Once we were walking in the darkness in which so many are still walking, oblivious and unaware. Awaken hearts O GOD, we pray, for we were just like that ourselves -- until You came to us personally, gently opening the eyes of our hearts and minds. Thanks to You, we are now walking as children of the Light, having no fellowship with the works of darkness but, rather, working to expose them. 

We pray for many to see Your ways and be led by You out of the troubled sea where they cannot rest, where water casts up more and dirt. Thank You for revealing to them, LORD GOD, that there is no peace and for causing us to lift our voices like trumpets to tell Your truth in a world that prefers its own wits and ways. In Your perfect timing, Your light shall break forth like the morning, and You shall cry to them and say, "Here I AM." And You will guide us continually and satisfy our souls in drought and strengthen our bones and water us like gardens and like a spring of water whose waters do not fail. And we shall be called Rrepairers of the Breach... Restorer of Streets to Dwell In.

And we shall honor You, not doing our own ways nor  following our own pleasure nor peaking our on words. Then we shall delight in You, LORD, riding on the high hills and being fed with the heritage we have in You. 

Your mouth, O LORD, has spoken.

This photograph is by Liz Burnell.

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