Thursday, April 10, 2014

Gathering in Christ

Luke 10:20
Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.

The bedrock of Jesus Christ’s kingdom is not sincerity, not deciding for Christ, not a determination to serve Him, but a complete and entire recognition that we cannot begin to do it… Then Jesus says, “Blessed are you.”

Jesus Christ can do wonderful things for the person who enters into His kingdom through the moral frontier of need….the bedrock of Christianity is recognition of the fact that I have not the power within me to do what my spirit longs to do. “Come to Me,” said Jesus, not “Decide for Me.” I have to come to Jesus just as I am; I need to realize that I am an abject pauper morally and spiritually if ever I am going to be what Jesus wants me to be. He must come in and do it. He claims on the basis of His redemption that He can put His own disposition into anyone who is consciously poor enough to receive it -- that is, the ability not only to will, but to do. The knowledge of our own poverty brings us to the moral frontier 
where Jesus Christ works.

Excerpts from Oswald Chambers
Daily Devotional Bible, Reading 100 (4/10)
From The Love of God

This phopgraph is from a Facebook page called Live Life in Color.

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