Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Contemporary Psalms


He who hides his eyes will have many curses.
Proverbs 28:27

Time, talent, and treasure are mine to give, and in the first two, I do give generously. I need Your help LORD in discerning how to give into such overwhelming disasters as we have seen of late: the Typhoon that hits so many islands in the Philippines; the Tornadoes that stormed through twelve states leaving death and destruction in their paths. I freeze when it comes to responding, feeling that my little $ bit is insufficient or doubting that the $ will get to where it is needed. So we send something, hearing the words "Big whoop" from the enemy himself. But You say, "This is not nothing." You look at the heart which needs to be free of selfish motives -- like giving in order to get right with God. You tell me I am already right with You, not because of my performance or the results of my endeavors here on earth. You say I am to add "surrender" to the list of gifts I can give. You say that surrendering myself to Your power is most precious --a living sacrifice, daily: justified by Christ's atonement for my sin nature and sanctified as led by Your Holy Spirit indwelling me. Thank You for assuring us that we are acceptable to You, Father God, because we belong to Your Son, the Center of Your Eternal Purpose in whom we already live and move and have our being. Therefore this day, I surrender to Your Power in order that You may increase in my life and in my prayers for others, inside Your Kingdom and without. You are a kind and gentle teacher, and I thank You for revealing SURRENDER that is generous and abandoned is pleasing to You indeed.

Time, talent, and treasure are to be SURRENDERED to Your Power! I need Your wisdom and discernment, Your guidance and Your Light in all matters, in all my decisions. As You have told me before (and I it now, once again), "All means all!"

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