Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Contemporary Psalms


And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:13-14

Awesome God, that we can hear Your wooing, Your drawing us with cords of love that cannot be broken. Today I remember that, for me, You drew me with CHORDS of love. You came and sat with me, You sang to me as we turned through pages of the ages, and my hard heart softened and heard Your songs, and You brought me to the place from which You had allowed me to be carried away captive. Thank You, God on High, for Your word is true in my little life. You said, "You shall be My people, and I will be your God," and You made it true and real to me, in ways I could hear and see and comprehend.

You knew I could not pretend -- that no one can and no one should, but that is not aa problem for You because You are Alive and Real. Only You know how to be made manifest before an unbelieving heart; only You know how to perform each individual's personal "heart transplant." You tell us that our wound is incurable; that our wound is severe; that our sorrow is incurable because our sins have increased and we are blind to all this because we are stuck in our natural senses. Only You, oh God, are able to resurrect us from our sorry state. And You do -- and You will -- and so we thank You now for those rebirths we have requested and we watch and we wait, trusting You to accomplish You will wherever Your word is spoken in faith, believing You.

Thank You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Thank You that we know that the Rebirth of Tragedy is Your precursor for the Rebirth of Wonder. We know this because it happened to us, and we sing Your song as Your bring New Life to others.

This photograph is from a Boynton greeting card.

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