Friday, October 18, 2013

Contemporary Psalms


O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the LORD!
Jeremiah 22:29-30

O God, I pray with thankful heart that we whom You have saved are not in the darkness so that this Day should not overtake us as a thief. We are sons and daughters of Light and of the day -- neither of the night or of the darkness anymore, thanks be to Christ for His retrieval and redemption of us, for His New Life in us so we may live on earth as New Creations living in Him and by Him as we persevere through this mortal vale.

Thank You for imparting Your Wisdom so that we obtain the Mind of Christ. I am not saying that obeying You will "earn my way" into Heaven or "keep me out" of Hell, but that obedience is the admission ticket for my prayers. In Christ, and by the leading of Your Holy Spirit, m prayers are well-pleasing to You, and fragrant. Why? You say it is because they are aligned with Your Love and Light. 

Therefore, this day it is my prayer that You will lead many who are still blindfolded out of the darkness and into Your Light. O Dayspring on High, thank You that You alone are able to overcome the darkness caused by cruel taskmasters who conceal Your Truth or twist it, leading Your people into mistaking evil for good and bitter for sweet -- and so on! They know not, as I did not know, but for Your Mercy in lifting the blindfolds from my eyes and sitting with Me and embracing Me as I began to behold.

Show mercy to them, as You did for me, by birthing them a second time into Your Spirit, O God. You have put this desire in my heart, and so I believe I need to thank You now for bringing these beloveds into the Light of Day. O God, in Christ, I thank You now for leading these lost lambs out of the darkness, as You did for me and all of us who now see. I offer this prayer by Your HolySpirit, who connects me to Christ in Your Throne Room, O Father, and I lay them at Your feet, trusting You and expecting miracles.

This post is based on 1Thessalonians 4, Psalm 119, Jeremiah 21-22, Galatians 2:20, and Romans 12:1. The painting above is called Surrendered 
by Claudia Wood Rahm,whose work can be seen at

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