Sunday, October 13, 2013

Contemporary Psalms


The LORD is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation.
Psalm 118:14

LORD, I thank You for telling Jeremiah all those years ago that Your people had turned back, refusing to hear Your words and going after other gods to serve them. You are provoked to anger when we offer incense to principalities and powers other than You, for they are not You. Thank You for revealing that You ARE who You say Your are: God in three persons, all available to us completely: by our place in the Body of Christ, by the indwelling of Your, and by Your adoption of us as Your children through the accomplished work of Christ. Oh God on High, let us refuse the smooth words of Relativism and Political Correctness, which "make nice" but go against You, Most Holy and Just. 

Smooth words have plundered us, LORD, and the whole land is desolate. People leer and sneer and mock and persecute those who dare to say, "But God!"  LORD, they are bullying us in ways that are smarmy and snarky. They think themselves sophisticated and witty --even clever. Please, LORD, reveal to them what we cannot. Have mercy on them, who keep YOu near in their mouth but far from their minds. Your people perish for lack of knowledge! Many rulers have destroyed Your vineyard and made Your pleasant portion a desolate wilderness. Forgive us, LORD, and bring as many as will be saved back from their unwittingly wrong deceptions. Bring everybody into their inheritance in  Christ, which is offered to every human being -- available, not automatic. We are not robots, but free to choose. Reveal and heal that many may inherit the wind of Your Spirit and Life in Your Kingdom, through Christ our Passover Lamb, in Whom we are seated forever and ever, amen.

This posting is based on Psalm 118, Jeremiah 11-12, Proverbs 27:8 and Colossians 4. The photograph is from a Facebook page called Live Life In Color.

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