Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Contemporary Psalms


My son, give Me thine heart.
Proverbs 23:26

The discipline of being Christ's disciple has helped me greatly. He has shown to be a follower, not a just a fan! So... I start every day in Quiet Time with the Lord, feeding on His Word and bringing my concerns through Christ Jesus to the Father. Being a disciple has required discipline, but the results have been so wonderful. Starting my day in quiet has helped me hear the still, small voice of God. Once I know for sure it is from Him, I am able to do the next best thing, one step at a time, holding His Hand like a little kid. It was brokenness that brought me into His arms! It was not my self-sufficiency or my illusions of wholeness that brought me through to Him. Now I know that brokenness is often how we see our need for You -- You, oh God, have shown me that You are hidden in Gifts of Desperation (GOD). I implore You to rescue any who utter even the slightest prayer of desperation, knowing that You alone can hear the prayers of a hurting human heart.  I thank You now for sending Help to rescue and save those who are suffering in any way. Come quickly, Lord, that they too may see and know and follow You to safety and sanity in Christ Jesus, I pray.

This photograph is from a Facebook page called Live Life in Color.

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