Friday, May 31, 2013

Contemporary Psalms


He arose from before the altar of the Lord, from kneeling on his knees with his hands spread up to heaven...
1Kings 8:54

Remembering the frightened dog helps me intercede with a soft heart, confessing how much I yearn to see unseen salvations and thanking You for Thy Will being done, no matter how hopeless it may seem to my human eyes. You are able to brig forth Life, even raising Lazarus from the tomb! You once said to me, "Thank you for bringing me the tomb." And that was all I could do: show You the problem, the heap of dry bones, and You spoke to the bones, and You connected them, and they became endued with muscle and flesh. And You breathed into those dry bones and brought them to life. Dry bones! This I remember, along with the memory of the frightened dog, and I arise from before the altar, from kneeling on my knees, with hands spread up to heaven...

This photograph is from a Facebook page called Live Life in Color.

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