Saturday, February 25, 2012

Downloads from God


You are not in a dry land, child, nor are you in darkness. You are a child of the Light, adopted into My Body, an heir to My last Will and Testament. Mine is not a kingdom of things or even feelings that flail around on earth. No, My kingdom is Fullness of Life. You are grafted here, kept and pruned, attended and filled with the Holy Spirit to flourish and thrive with fruit of the Vine. I AM the Vine. You saw that yesterday, and now you see it again today. At last you realize that you, as a branch, can do nothing, but that, grafted into Me, you are able to bloom fully in My Way. All along,you have been Mine to tend and protect; you have known in your head that I would never leave you or forsake you! But now you know this in your "knower." You have gron in faith, child of Mine, and you are starting to bear the fruit of My Holy Spirit. It is called Kingdom fruit, child, and it is borne of Me, as you are. Let My Spirit flow in and through you, more and more, everywhere you go. I shall bloom forth!

Painting entitled Growing Faith by Claudia Wood Rahm.
Google her as "cwr color unchained" or visit her website at

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