Saturday, March 7, 2015

Recovery in the Bible (RIB)

(Recovery In The Bible)

For this RIB group, I pray it be a safe place for applying Your Word to our little lives so that, as we decrease, You may increase in us and be shed abroad, everywhere we go, for the rest of our time on earth. Make us Your Lighthouses, O Father God, O Holy Spirit, O LORD of love! Shine on us, shine in us, shine through us and out of us, we pray in Christ and by the Holy Spirit before Your Throne! We thank You for providing a place -- a safe place -- where we learn to be fed by You and nourished by Your Word and weaned from milk to meat, to become mature saints receiving and digesting Your Truth, Your Way, Your Will for our Life… that, through our talk and also our walk, You are glorified, we pray.

And as we pray, we see that we are generating a Rainbow of Radiance before Your Throne -- a radiance, a fragrance, a song of songs. Our praise is glorious -- like an array of precious jewels sparkling from us who are living stones alive in Christ. We radiate a myriad of colors, scents, and notes in one accord. A CHORD!

Amazing. Grace. We bow in awe and give You this group and each heart in it. Reign in us and out of us, we pray, like instruments played by You any way You want. Make us like a symphony of sound, like many waters, peaceful in Your deep waters and flowing wherever You flow.

We listen, we learn, we hear, we heed. We are Your sheep, and we know You are our only Good Shepherd. Thank You for bringing us into safety away idols and all the lesser gods. We love the green and luscious field of Your Pasture and we gratefully submit to Your Care and Keeping within it.

We surrender to Your Power. Gratefully. Gladly. Astonished by the Paradox of Powerelessness! Step by step, surrendering everything and everyone, everywhere, to You, who is The Highest Power. Amen!

This painting by Claudia Wood Rahm is called Living Stones.

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