Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Gathering in Christ

Luke 6:12-13
Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. And when it was day, He called His disciples to Himself, and from them He chose twelve whom He named apostles…

It is not a haphazard thing, but in the constitution of God, that there are certain times of the day when it not only seems easier, but it is easier, to meet God.  If you have ever prayed in the dawn, you will ask yourself why you were so foolish as to not do it always; it is difficult to get into communication with God in the midst of the hurly-burly of the day.  George MacDonald said that if he did not open wide the door of his mind to God in the early morning, he worked in the finite all the rest of the day -- “Stand on the finite, act upon the wrong.”  It is not sentiment but an implicit reality that the conditions of dawn and communion with God go together.  When the day of God appears, there will be no night, always dawn and day.  There is nothing of the nature of strain in God’s Day; it is all free and beautiful and fine.  “And there shall be night no more.”

We all know when we are at our best intellectually, and if, instead of giving that time to God, we give it to our own development, we not only rob God, but rob ourselves of the possibility of His life thriving in us.  We heard it said that we shall suffer if we do not pray; I question it.  What will suffer if we do not pray is the life of God in us; but when we do pray and devote the dawns to God, His nature in us develops; there is less self-realization and more Christ-realization.

Excerpts from Oswald Chambers
Daily Devotional Bible, Reading 91 (4/1)
From He Shall Glorify Me

This photograph was taken by Eric Jonas Swensson. See more at his Facebook page called Sound Shore Media.

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