Sunday, January 12, 2014

Contemporary Psalms


O LORD my God, in You I put my trust. Save me from all those who persecute me, and deliver me lest they tear me like a lion...
Psalm 7:1-2

Last year, LORD, I wrote in the margin next to these words, "The Song of the Slandered." Today I see that the image of a lion is implied, which makes me laugh because You told me, after the Commencement from Hell, not to put my head into the mouth of a roaring lion, but to pray instead. And so I recall that I have resisted this before, having spent most of my life like Don Quixote, tilting against windmills, expending so much of my energies in futility and in vain.

Now, instead, I see the situation as a lion and I bring it to You, wrapped in swaddling clothes, and I lay it down, giving You thanks and praise for handling it. And I walk away, rejoicing, for I know my surrendering of these things is needed before You will enter in. My prayers are payment (and they are pavement on which You walk straight to the lion in question). Thank You for showing me in the past that fervent prayers are like golden pavement that makes for You paths straight and smooth. And that is how You enter, the Great Physician, Who alone is able to perform major surgery and transplants of the heart.

May we all be given revelation that exposes the songs of slander, and may be pray with the authority granted to us in Christ, for we have suffered of that same affliction. We saw that You do not tolerate intolerance calling itself tolerance as we saw when You disappeared an AP correspondent for her hatred of Your People Israel. Thank You for this, just one of many proofs that You will not be mocked; that You defend Your people, that those who belong to You will be avenged eventually. May we see all songs of slander as encouragement, O God, turning persecution into golden prayer, knowing  You are on the way as we look to You, bleating.

This photograph is from a Facebook page called Live Life in Color.

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