Saturday, April 27, 2013

Contemporary Psalms


Today salvation has come to this house because he is also a son of Abraham; for the Son of Man has come to seek that which was lost.
Luke 19:9

Oh God on high, we whom You have saved know first-hand how You work all things to good --  even suffering ; even unimaginable suffering; even intolerable suffering. Thank You for having us to pray in gratitude for what You did for us: retrieving each one from the ledge onto which we had unwittingly wandered. I speak for myself to say that I was astonished to find myself trapped and terrified, with no place to turn so I just started bleating like a lost sheep. I WAS a lost sheep! But You, Oh Lord, knew exactly where I was, and You climbed through tough terrain with Your staff and, somehow, You plucked me off that ledge and carried me to safety.

I know now that it very often takes a broken spirit for You to be allowed to enter our  little lives. Thank You for what I now see as "the S cycle" -- Sin, Suffering, Supplication, Sorrow, Salvation, Surrender, Sanctification.

This photograph is from a Facebook page called Live Life in Color.

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