Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Downloads from God


The “law of leprosy” applies today in that you need to be vigilant, watching carefully over your temple of My Holy Spirit, submitting for surgery to Me, the Great Physician, even to the point of starting over. What is unclean must be pronounced unclean and the house scraped of the plague that has only spread. In America, this principle has been ignored for years, and the nation’s well-being has not been protected. The plague first entered wearing camouflage called “political correctness” and is now deep in the walls of the house. All you can do is all you can do, but start where you can. Follow Me, not the traditions of men.

Painting entitled You Go First by Claudia Wood Rahm.
Google her as "cwr color unchained" or visit her website at

1 comment:

  1. there's a plague over here too....I know God's in the midst and all over it...may the faithful be strengthened by His Almighty Hand!
