Friday, September 2, 2011

Check It Out!!!

This is my dear pal and sister in Christ, Claudia Wood Rahm, whose painting, Living Stones, became the cover for my book. If you have seen that painting, you already know that it is radiantly and absolutely gorgeous. Well, here's the artist, standing in front of some of her more playful, whimsical work during last night's Opening Reception at the Oliver Wolcott Library in Litchfield.

This is a juried exhibition and it is totally dedicated to Claudia's work (aka, its a one-woman show). Yay, Claudia, and thank goodness for Woody, her excellent husband, who created nearly fifty frames and somehow managed to get everything perfectly mounted on the gallery walls before Hurricane Irene came barreling into Connecticut.

The show is called Color Unchained and you could tell from listening to guests at the reception that they were flabbergasted by the color. "We had no idea," was frequently heard amidst the gathering, which is understandable, because to meet Claudia in person is to encounter someone tiny in stature, quite demure, with gentle demeanor. It is just plain surprising that such powerful blasts of color could possibly come forth from such an unassuming soul. Still, they do. Go and see for yourself. The exhibition closes on September 23rd, so if you can't get to Litchfield, go to her blog at or come to my house. I'm a pretty cheap date when it comes to taking a drive to see Color Unchained.


  1. Yup -- demure. I know better, but the demeanor is demure. Sorry, pal. Do you want me to edit this post in any way? I am putty in your hands! LOL and for making a comment. Yay Comments!
