Monday, May 4, 2015

Recovery in the Bible (RIB)


As I consider the Two Trees in the original garden, this is my fervent prayer today:

Father God, thank You for the contrasting the original Two Trees, for revealing that it is not EVIL to worship the Old Testament way, but neither is it the Church that Christ birthed. It is not EVIL what we are preferring, but what is GOOD is always spelled with two "oh's" and sounds likes this: "Oh-Oh." On the other hand, what is GOD is always spelled with one "oh" and sounds like this: "OOhhhhhhhhhhhh!" 

Jesus, You told us that the New Wine cannot be poured into old wineskins, for the old are unable to receive the New without breaking and splitting. It us Your Mercy not to pour into us who have unwittingly wandered straight back into the former temple. Remove the blindfolds place upon us, Your people, Your Church! Free us from the power of our manmade traditions! Retrieve us and bring us as the New Wineskins into which You re-birthed by Your Holy Spirit. Revive Your people, oh God Most High, Your Ekklesia -- into the temple not made by human hands, Your Body, The Church of the New Covenant.

This is clarity for me, and I realize I could be wrong. But I truly believe the scriptures of  New Testament are telling us that Christ did not come to found a religion. Why then do we have one?

This photograph is by Eric Jonas Swensson of Sound Shore Media.

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