Friday, May 15, 2015

Recovery in the Bible (RIB)


Yesterday I ran into a question in John 3, verses 22 and 26, where I saw these words: Jesus baptized. I remember John 4:2, where it clearly states that Jesus did not baptize -- His disciples did. So I posted this question onto the Facebook page for women called Recovery in the Bible (RIB for Women).

The question perked up some conversation, to which I am adding (I hope) today. Because someone wrote on the thread, "There may be more here than meets the eye." I agree, and I have been led to consider that something -- and it may well be that it is important.

What I have been hearing since yesterday is "the wedding at Cana." So this morning, when reading John 4, I saw Jesus at Jacob's well telling the Samaritan woman that He is the living water. He says (in John 4:13), "... whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst."

A thought to ponder: Jesus baptizes with "new wine" -- as in water turned to wine (as at the Cana wedding reception). Notice that He speaks inthe future tense with the woman at the well. Perhaps this is because He has not yet died or risen -- or ascended.

So... I'm thinking that the baptism of Jesus is not by the water of this world, but by the Living Water of the Holy Spirit, the New Wine.

What think you?!? 

THis photograph is by Eric Jonas Swensson of Sound Shore Media.

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