Saturday, March 14, 2015

Recovery in the Bible (RIB)


A few days ago, I launched a new group on Facebook called Recovery in the Bible (RIB for Women). I think the main purpose for this FB group, might be to ask questions about Scripture when we encounter them.One example unfolded yesterday, and I want share it here, because, after all, this is supposed to be a safe place for share honestly around the WORD Writ under the LORD's Headship.

BTW, this IS a private FB group. You can see the posts, but non-members cannot. Any who seek to join must be approved first -- their names pop up on a my screen because I launched the group in the first place. So -- it's safe and it's anonymous! And so... here's the issue:

An article in AARP Magazine describes a  woman's prayers when her 2-year old son was diagnosed with an untreatable condition that destroys the brain. Doctors told them to take Judson home to die. But the parents had other plans and believed that God did, too. They prayed for healing, as did their friends, relatives, and a vast network of believers they didn't even know. "We didn't plan a funeral," the mother says. "I had in mind a celebration-of-life party  that we were going to have when Judson was healed. We talked about what it would look like...." They prayed fervently, in faith, believing, storming heaven for a miracle.
And then, Judson died.

It is hard for me to imagine anything more heart-breaking than the loss of a child. And the Bible says we are to bring everything to God in prayer: in Christ, fervently praying in faith, believing - like the woman with the issue of blood who dove for the hem Christ's garment in Marh 5:25-34.

So here's the question: what's the difference between woman in the AARP article and the woman with the issue of  blood? I have been  praying about this, and here's what I'm getting
(I could be all wrong). I offer these thoughts in wholeheartedness and vulnerability, with a willing and teachable heart and with hopes of generating honest conversation round the WORD of God. Let's practice speaking truth in love with one another! Anyway, here's what I got:

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