Friday, December 27, 2013

Contemporary Psalms


This shall come to pass if you diligently obey the voice of the LORD your God.
Zechariah 6:15

Home... so nice to be home... Quiet... so nice to have Quiet Time with You, LORD... Breathe through the earthquake, wind and fire, O still small Voice of Calm...

Breathe on us , breath of God! Breathe Life into these branches, breathe Your Spirit into these temples that we may carry forth Your radiance and glory everywhere we go! May You increase in us, flowing more and more through us, until each of Your temples becomes like a precious jewel, a living stone, glorifying Your Body, LORD Christ. You say this shall comes to pass if we diligently obey Your Voice, our God.

Thank You so much for Your traveling mercies, Your favor, Your help to this Family of God throughout a traumatic medical ordeal. May this period of rest and recuperation offer our beloveds a time for reflection and refreshment, revitalization, even resurrection into New and Everlasting Life through the crucifixion of all that is less than up-close-and-personal relationship with You, O God. We speak "friendship with God" in the power of the Holy Spirit, granted to us by the death and resurrection of our Savior and LORD, Jesus, the Christ. We lift up thanks and praise before You, Father, in Christ in Whom we live and move and have our being even now as we walk in this broken world. We hear Your angels singing, "Oh hush the noise and cease your strife..." May we truly....


Painting entitled Sonshine was done in 1971 by moi, knows at the time as 
"Jeanette Ze Artiste."

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