Sunday, October 27, 2013

Contemporary Psalms


Guard what was committed to your trust...
1 Timothy 6:20

LORD, I hear You calling us. wooing us, drawing us with chords of heavenly song singing, "Awaken, oh world of woe, to the joy that comes in the mourning." LORD, You have told us that joy comes after the Light has dawned. You are the Light, desiring each one whom You have made to awaken and receive You freely and forever. By Your Mercy and Grace, You shine Light onto the True Body of Christ. This I see and say and know and share, as best I can, and I thank You for purposing me to share from my experience, the strength and hope that You have wrought through calamities and miracles in my past. Thank You for the high honor of sharing, as You open the gates,  the truth that "I can't, but You can, and when I get out of Your way, miracles happen."

This photograph  was downloaded from the Facebook page of Michelle Gardella.

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