Friday, October 5, 2012

Downloads from God

Isaiah 61:1-62:12; Psalm 115:9-13; Proverbs 26:24-26; Ephesians 6:1-24

Trust! Trust! Stand in awe of Me, your LORD, for I AM your LORD; I AM your help and your shield. I AM mindful of you; I will bless you; I will bless the house of Israel and the house of Aaron; I will bless those who fear Me, both great and small. Do My will, not as to men, but unto Me and by Me, as you live in Me.

In Me, you are strong to stand against spiritual hosts of wickedness. You will be able to withstand and to stand. So, My daughter, stand! Trust! Know you are covered in all you need to make known the mystery of the gospel…

You do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against the principalities and powers of the darkness of this age. It is a spiritual battle, and you are in it. Withstand and stand, being watchful with all perseverance and supplication, for you are among the saints of God who will be called trees of righteousness and My planting.

Trust, child, trust. Stand in faith, a light in the darkness that will not flicker in the wind -- a light that cannot be extinguished either by the whims of men or by the wits of any man. Trust, and stand -- no matter what.

Painting entitled The Fullness of the Sea by Claudia Wood Rahm of

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