Monday, September 3, 2012

Downloads from God


Child of Mine, you heard Me. In the mist and the poor visibility of those years in the fog, you heard My steady calling that was unceasing. And you endured; you persevered; you diligently sought and finally found Me, as I was there all along. You came in; you followed; you still do. You have followed Me out of the fog onto the bright, billowy seas, where you pray and practice trusting Me no matter what.

You are now living your life in Christ, seated at My Right Hand. Yes, there are times of trial when trouble tries to hurl itself against you, especially when you offer something that is truly Mine. You have sailed into places where the enemy tried to prevent your entrance. You sang and prayed and sang and prayed, and you brought others with you, and you carried forth My Love and Light, withstanding two sore throats, two ear aches, and one sudden onset of fever.

This is how it is and ever will be as you walk the Earth: you needing My determination (discipline!) to fight successfully against the lies. The enemy will continue to try to detour you. But you are Mine. You are armored! You are under the Shed Blood and have New and Risen Life. In this way, My Will is accomplished: in Jesus and by My Holy Spirit, through those who are Mine.

Painting by Veronica Benning, whose work can be seen on her Facebook page.

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