Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Downloads from God


Child, this did not happen because you failed to meet with Me in the morning mists, nor did it happen in order that you would return to the swamp in which you were sinking only to fixate on how close you came to disappearing. No! This happened in order that you would practice more diligently in the discerning of lies -- LIES. You did not see them as such because, as usual with the enemy of your soul, the lies sounded righteous. “Keep your word; don’t break your promise; let your YES be YES and your no be no…” Certainly those instructions contain seeds of truth. However, these instructions do not pertain to a mistaken promise. That was the twist. You had made a mistake and only gradually realized that I was calling you out of the swamp into which you had wandered. “What is it to you what the others are doing? You, follow Me.” And you did, daughter, and now you can breathe again because you are safe in Me. Well done! Hard lessons, learned the hard way, especially the hard truth that practice will be required. This was practice in things you had already learned and practiced before. You will practice this over and over again. Do you see child? It’s perfectly all right. You are in My Loving Care, even as you learn to walk , as you will be learning throughout your entire earthly life. Simply be like a child and hold My hand, and I will help you in the learning. Well done.

Painting by Vernica Benning whose work can be seen on her Facebook page.

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