Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Downloads from God


My dear and earnest daughter, it is a paradox. Many things are paradoxical within My Kingdom:

· Powerlessness brings power.

· You are all in this alone, together.

· Poverty of self leads to spiritual riches.

· Death leads to Eternal Life.

It is a simple thing to come into My Arms, My Embrace, but so few take the time to crawl onto My Lap for My gentle feeding by sips of Living Waters and morsels that are just right. It is a gift you have given yourself through the discipline of being My disciple. One day at time. So, this day My child, be “stood up” -- steady on your feet and with joy in your heart. Simply go forth carrying My Living Waters and My Daily Bread that I have given you this day. Let My light shine forth right here, right here and know this is My Way. Now walk in it.

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