Saturday, June 20, 2015

Recovery in the Bible (RIB)


For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they wll heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth and be turned aside to fables (2 Timothy 4:3-4).

In the natural, I am frightened to see the takeover of Common Sense by what Orwell called NewSpeak -- what I am now calling The Lexicon of Lies. It started out so innocently,  when Political Correctness  stood up to suggest greater tolerance of diversity and difference among us. Nothing wrong with that! Easy to be on board with respecting one another -- no matter what race, gender, or viewpoint. This is America, we all agree. The land of the free.
Now, not so many years later, PC has morphed from “Respect one another” to “Don’t offend anyone --ever.” Which, recently it seems, has morphed into demonizing those who hold viewpoints not aligned with The Politically Correct.

An example: It is now practically illegal to believe that abortion is wrong. I have been called misogynous for believing that, and I’m a woman. Once upon a time, positions on this issue were either  “pro-choice” or “pro-life.” Then people began to realize that those two terms were not opposites at all.; their true opposites were “pro-life” and “pro-death.” So now what has happened? Now (not so very many years later), we are calling abortion clinics  centers for women’s reproductive health.

This is just one example of what I call The Lexicon of Lies. Here’s another: the term gun control, which is suddenly being called gun violence (as if guns shoot themselves off).  Yes -- let’s get those evil guns! We must collect them and shut hem away because guns are maniacs, full of hatred and mental illness, evil. Terrorists.

Many people I love seem to be thinking this way. Smart, well-educated people -- people who are seeking to be good and caring toward others. Yet they are in blindfolds! Put there by Political Correctness. They cannot see what they cannot see  -- namely, that Tolerance is morphing into Totalitarianism.

Will we eventually be reporting each other to the Thought Police? Will neighbors be snitching on neighbors who hold un-PC beliefs?  I feel that time is coming, and although it is foretold,  I find it frightening.  Anyone else?

This photograph is by Kristofer Rowe.


  1. I truly agree with you. The bible says that friends will betray us, and the more deeply and darkly we enter into these 'last days' I am reminded of this. I think the way of things is to control the voice of opinion so much to the point no one will have an opinion because with no opinion one cannot be led astray and better controlled. Now the question is... who wants this kind of control and for what purpose? World domination?

    1. Thank you, Shannon! For commenting at all, in the first place, which sometimes people find a challenge on this blog. And for your kind agreement, in the second place -- it's nice to know we're not alone. "We the people" need to find each other. Many thanks for finding me!

  2. I totally agree! And wonder often how I allowed myself to be swept along with this deception, except that I know Satan is the master deceiver, disguised as an angel of light if he so chooses.

    Thank you for this post. I look forward to reading more of what you have to say :) Praise God for His Word and His Spirit to give us discernment. I'm trying to listen better and not get sucked things like PC. ~thistle @Godsfiningfire (twitter)

    1. Joyce, what a blessing you are! Until now, the comment feature on this blogspot has been making it hard for people to post, and now I'm on the eve of launching a whole new website just as this one seems to be working once again. I will keep posting here and let you guys know when I fade "Late-Breaking Breakthroughs" into the new blog at -- have a look if you want to, though it is still just a DRAFT. Until then, the labels on the RH of this blog that are focused on deception (but also humorous) are Pet Theories and Dog Tweets.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This is just me trying to correct a typo in my reply to Joyce (above).

  4. This is me trying to correct a typo in my reply (above). A very non-user-friendly comment feature, this!
